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Safety and Optimization of Metabolic Labeling of Endothelial Progenitor Cells for Tracking

2024-02-01 15:12
Han SS, Shim HE, Park SJ, Kim BC, Lee DE, Chung HM, Moon SH*, Kang SW*. Safety and Optimization of Metabolic Labeling of Endothelial Progenitor Cells for Tracking. Sci Rep. 2018 Sep 4;8(1):13212.



Metabolic labeling is one of the most powerful methods to label the live cell for in vitro and in vivo tracking. However, the cellular mechanisms by modified glycosylation due to metabolic agents are not fully understood. Therefore, metabolic labeling has not yet been widely used in EPC tracking and labeling. In this study, cell functional properties such as proliferation, migration and permeability and gene expression patterns of metabolic labeling agent-treated hUCB-EPCs were analyzed to demonstrate cellular effects of metabolic labeling agents. As the results, 10 μM Ac4ManNAz treatment had no effects on cellular function or gene regulations, however, higher concentration of Ac4ManNAz (>20 μM) led to the inhibition of functional properties (proliferation rate, viability and rate of endocytosis) and down-regulation of genes related to cell adhesion, PI3K/AKT, FGF and EGFR signaling pathways. Interestingly, the new blood vessel formation and angiogenic potential of hUCB-EPCs were not affected by Ac4ManNAz concentration. Based on our results, we suggest 10 μM as the optimal concentration of Ac4ManNAz for in vivo hUCB-EPC labeling and tracking. Additionally, we expect that our approach can be used for understanding the efficacy and safety of stem cell-based therapy in vivo.


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