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Functional Equivalency in Human Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer-Derived Endothelial Cells.

2024-02-01 15:33
Park SJ*, Lee JH*, Lee SG*, Lee JE, Seo J, Choi JJ, Jung TH, Chung EB, Kim HN, Ju J, Song YJ, Chung HM*, Lee DR*, Moon SH*. Functional Equivalency in Human Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer-Derived Endothelial Cells. Stem Cells.2019 Feb 5.


The derivation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has prompted a re-emerging interest in using such cells for therapeutic cloning. Despite recent advancements in derivation protocols, the functional potential of CHA-NT4 derived cells is yet to be elucidated. For this reason, this study sought to differentiate CHA-NT4 cells toward an endothelial lineage in order to evaluate in vitro and in vivo functionality. To initial differentiation, embryoid body formation of CHA-NT4 was mediated by concave microwell system which was optimized for hESC-endothelial cell (EC) differentiation. The isolated CD31+ cells exhibited hallmark endothelial characteristics in terms of morphology, tubule formation, and ac-LDL uptake. Furthermore, CHA-NT4-derived EC (human nuclear transfer [hNT]-ESC-EC) transplantation in hind limb ischemic mice rescued the hind limb and restored blood perfusion. These findings suggest that hNT-ESC-EC are functionally equivalent to hESC-ECs, warranting further study of CHA-NT4 derivatives in comparison to other well established pluripotent stem cell lines. This revival of human SCNT-ESC research may lead to interesting insights into cellular behavior in relation to donor profile, mitochondrial DNA, and oocyte quality. STEM CELLS2019;37:623–630

Keywords : #Human somatic cell nuclear transfer, #Endothelial cell, #Ischemia, #Cell transplantation, #Cell therapy


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